
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

soap cavring

 For te ao we  are doing soap carving the pattern I have chosen is the fish hook which represents how close I live to the beach and being a part of new Brighton 

Thursday, November 18, 2021


  Today in the school car park we counted cars to figure out what the ratio. Here was the recorded data  25 cars  12suv 2 trucks and  2 otter  and the ratoi was 25 :12:2:2


  Today we counded car in the school car park   we were trying to figure out what color weremore popular There were  7 reds 10 white and 4 backs and 7 blues 17 other this is the ratio 7:17 : 4:10 and in total there were 45 cars  

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 Camp for camp this year we went to winui . we had to take bus it was a 2 hour drive  

When we arrived  we went to our first activity was  raft building  for the raft building we used flots  and log we made a Square and then put the floors  and denim down and when we got the raft to the sea they fell Apart then we had to untie all the ropes  and then we get to go for a swim and walk back to the campsite  and there was a cabin inspection we got a 2 witch is very bad and then it was diner time for dinner we had hand burgers  and went to bed at 10

Belong it to the group that i was in encouraged me do do the activities 

Success is succeed in the high rope i when all the way up to the top 

Empathy helping my group when they had no iades 

Imagine that we were stuck on an island and we had to bill a shelter. 

The next day came and we went home

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Pick a Path

This is our pick a path story, there are two paths and one is good and one is bad. Here is what me and my friends have written. We have used this template so we can work out our story and it will be presented on a slide.

Introduction of the story (page 1) 


A group of 4 friends 

2 haunted house

Option 1 (link to page 2)

First haunted house 

Option 2 (link to page 3)

Second haunted house

(Page 2) What happens after option 1 from introduction:

a ghost takes one of them


(Page 3) What happens after option 2 from introduction:

you walk in and there is a photo of you’s

Option 1 (link to page 4)

go try and find him

Option 2 (link to page 5)

run out the door for your life 

Option 1 (link to page 6)


try to find who took the photo of you 

Option 2 (link to page 7)


(PAGE 4) What happens after option 1 above

you go upstairs and see a locked room

(PAGE 5) What happens after option 2 above

you run away and realised

your lost

(Page 6) What happens after Option 1 above

try find help

check for help.

(Page 7) What happens after O option 2 above 

run away and hide       

Option 1 (link to page 8)

you opened it and saw your friend on the ground sleeping

Option 2 (link to page 9)

you decide that your life is more important than your friend.

Option 1 (Link to page 10)

so you go back and look for help

Option 2 (Link to page 11)

 You try to find your way back to home

Option 1 (Link to page 12)

knock on someone's door 


Option 2 (Link to page 13)

call for help 

Option 1 (Link to page 14)

hide in bush

Option 2 (Link to page 15) 

hide in tree


Page 8 Final

so you carry him home to make sure he's ok and he’s not hurt but you can't hear him breathing he’s a ghost he started flying around the room and then poof he was gone 

Page 9 Final

So you run away, go back home and live your life.

Page 10 Final

 no one will help and they think you crazy and you never go back 

Page 11 Final

You found your way back and told his family the day but they didn't believe you 

Page 12 Final

You knocked on many people's doors but they were never home they were out working so you decided to break into someone's house to hide

Page 13 Final you call for help no one answers so you cry in a corner 

Page 14 Final

You hid in a bush for 1 hour and 27 minutes and then you ran back home and lived happily ever after

Page 15 Final

You hid up a tree and waited until it was time to go then you just booked it and you found your way back to school so then you ran back home.