
Monday, December 7, 2020


Today for math
we did tessellation  and this is what I made 
by using the tools in goggle draw 


Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 today we did our timed sheet i got 90 in the times tables and i did it in 2.20 min and for division

i got 1.54 and the score was 98 but i did not get my goal which is to get the choclate 

Thursday, November 19, 2020


                           The wild patty turns into a wild hammerhead patty.

                                                      By RM and KM storry one 

 On a fine day when we were going sailing our friend rylin (who we call Patty because his last name is patterson.) put the twerly wherly he made at tech in his jersey so he looked like he was a hammerhead shark.“This is a documentary about the wild hammerhead Patty.” Kaeden said in a David Attenborough accent. We all started laughing, then Patty made weird noises so we think the twirly whirly changed his mood. Then he started staring at people through the bus window saying “hey!”. Then the bus driver took a wrong turn and Patty said “he did an opsie.” and then started doing tic tok dances through the bus window. Then we arrived at the lake, so sadly our storty ends here. But let's just say he went a bit crazy afterwards. 


today we did our timed sheet and i got 2  .22 min and i got 99 questions correct

and i did not get the chocolate  my goal is to get the chocolate  and there was no division  

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 in math we did our time sheet i all most bet my goal but i did not get chocolate  but i was close for my 

time for division i got  2 .10 min for time tabels i got 2.52 min

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 today we did our timed sheet and on multiplication i got 100 for division i got 97  and the time was 2.39 min

and for my times tables it was 4.29 m in my goal for next week it is to bet Sharon so i get chocolate  

Friday, October 30, 2020

why its good to have manners in the class and outside

 manners are a nice thing to say when you get some thing like a toy or diner. i think thank you is the best word to say when you get something and there good to have in a class room like saying thanks to someone how helped you whit your work . thank you can be used in meany different ways like if your friends  pass the ball in a game of soccer or something . if your parents got you cloths you will say thank you to them even if you did not what cloths but its called being great full for what you get no mater what it is some kids don't get cloths and some people don't have a house to live in that is  why you be great full .  In the class room i think respect is a good thing to have like looking after each other property and don't steel steeling is the worst because if you do it when you older it not good and its not good when your Little but steeling can put you in jail and that is not fun . do you own-up to something you have done that is  not good  meany people have made that mistake like that. if you don't tell the truth and someone finds out there not going to be happy whit you so it is the beast to tell the truth then lies. when you do something wrong you fell Gillette and you feel bad but then you think what did i do wrong and then you think what can i do to stop my self next time and make things good . not make a mess of some one house or the class room otherwise it turns in to a pig feeding trof and pick up the mess that you made and don't blame it on your friends they will not be happy at you and you will be a bad friend. throwing food is not good you are disrespecting other people get angry and trow it back to you and then it becomes a war. swearing is not good because it can hurts other peoples feelings  or some one can get angry  .manners nice thing to use.                

Thursday, September 24, 2020

going skiing

 On the 22 second  of September. the bus ride was fun on the way there and me and lewise got the front seets  and then we got up to the mountaint the bus driver had to do some sharp  turns and then we had to put our gear on . then we found  some money  it was 30 cents on  and then we stated to ski we started  go down 

the  smallest slowp and then it went bigger in tell i whent to the chair lift and and it did not go well 

i slip on the ice and fell over and did it four more times . it was really fun  .

Friday, September 11, 2020

Designing our garden

For  inquiry we are designing and building a  garden that can  grow a crop for one year. We are just up to the designing, but it is looking pretty good for Kyzel,William and I. We were designing on the paper. we are planing to grow potatoes carrots and leeks and lettuce.our design will be a box that can open up and down. the box will have chicken   wire that stops the animals   eating our cropand. we have not planed eny further then that .  


Monday, August 31, 2020

The Hairy Nose Otter


This is a sample of my report writing. I chose to write a report on the Hairy Nose Otter.

Friday, August 28, 2020

unit fractions


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Report Writing - The Red Panda

These are my facts about the red panda  the red panda is one of my favorite animal. 

The tail can grow up 18 inches . red pandas wrap her tail around the self to keep them warm and for balance  . They have small white eyes and red backs and black bellies, their whiskers are so they can balance on the trees.

They are omnivores and they only eat plants. The red panda lives  in groups with her family. 

They live in China because of the bamboo and the trees . Currently the  red pandas live in the Eastern Himalayas.

The red panda lives up at the top of the trees up in the Mountains. They Are closely related to the giant panda and the racons . 

 They were found in the 1820s but it was called the panda.there are only 10 0000 left in the wild. they are not doing well because of destruction of habitat and poaching  .

They do not lay eggs .Some people have them as pets but they are not house pets .red panda scientific name is

Ailurus fulgens


Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 Today at maths  we did  a sheet about  area and perimeter. First I learnt how to times L x W.  L stands length

and w stands for width and to half it for a triangle . And then we did a sheet on it the first one 

was easy to me and it was fun. The second one was not hard or  easy  but fun .     I was learning about factors and multiples.     

Thursday, August 13, 2020


 today we did a timed sheet i got 100 in three mintes


Tuesday, August 11, 2020




last Friday we whet to the rawhiti domains 

we went to the fled at the back behind the bush . then  we waited 30 mins and whacted the other  rawhiti

but they lost 6 2 then it was our game we won the fist one i did not score a goal it 3 2 

the next game we lost 6 4 but the second game was the best and after the game we whet back to school 

then  the player of the day was Steve lee we had a full team of 8 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


today we did a timed sheet i did it in 3.46 min i got 99 i missed one i did not have a goal last week but it is dovison next week i think they are fun to do 

Monday, August 3, 2020


Today we did photosynthesis.

I learnt how plants live and grow. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


in a test  sheet  i got 100 in 4.15 min .

my goal is to do both sheets and get 100 on  both 

Friday, July 24, 2020

one metre challang

the challenge we had was to estimate and draw one metre on an A4 piece of paper with out ripping it 
then we esteemed it 

on Wednesday I did the one meter challenge. I grabbed a sheet  of paper and then I got my pencils and did three line because the was paper 30 cm  and then i did a little one. That was 7.  It added up to 97 cm and I was  3cm off one meter.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

my wpc

my William pike calling  i have do 103 percent of parson project.
20 percent of outdoor actives
and 8 percent of COMMUNITY serves .
and i have found it REALLY fun.
i will do my out door ACTIVe when we go skiing 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

mrs gren

They move with their 4 feet and they have webbed toes so they can swim 
And thay have furry feet .

Suks in oxygen and brits  out co2.

The capybara has the same  amount of senis witch is  5 smell tuoch eyes her taste.

The capybara grows up to 3.48 feet to 4.40

The capybara mates when the female is ready it can have 2to 8 kids.

Thay eat grass water plants  and poop out seed no milk not like a cow.

Capybara ues it eney form watermelons and squway can eat up 6 to 5 kg of food .

Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris is the capybaras real name.

Monday, July 20, 2020

the ruler

we are lenig how to read a  ruler the Right way it was me zaza and William so we had some one that droped the ruler  and zaza put his finger on the rluer and then we scored it it william got cm17 cm13 cm16 and zaza got cm1 1cm 17cm

Friday, June 19, 2020


today i  did maths times and diveson i got 96 out of 100 on my divosne sheet i got 92

time i did the times sheet in 3.52  and the diveson i got 9.22

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

william pike

my goal for William pike is to learn  Spanish with my friend kaeden 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


i can find common multiples in the number 10

5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
4 4 8 12 16 20 24  28 32 36 40

 the most common is 5x4 =20

Thursday, May 28, 2020

back to school

school i have gone back  in alert level two and i have realizes how much i miss school
work form home was fun but i miss my friends and my family and no im back at school
i is greet  the first day was good but the next day i was sick 

Monday, May 25, 2020

i have log in to willim pike

i have singed on to William pike 


19 635 rounded to 19 600
15 672   rounded to 
15 680

15 973 rounded to 15 960

I can round in the 10 000 


rounding nubers                    

57     60           up nubers 1234 down nubers 56789 

                         I can ronud numbers up 10 100 1000
157   200 

rounding nubers                    

Friday, May 1, 2020


Owls have a flat face and a beak and feathers. They have claws and beady eyes.  There are two hundred different owls in the world.

 A group of owls are called a  parliament. They are an insectivore. They make hooting noises  

They live in the rain forest and the deserts and they make their nest in the trees .They move to warmer places in winter like barns caves.

They have strong claws to kill their prey. The owl is nocturnal animal. They have dirt baths close to their tree and sometimes they leave the feathers behind in the dirt and some can turn their head upside down. They can turn their head 270 degrees and they can do much  more than that owls are  smart.                  

Tuesday, April 28, 2020



he is the cat at my dads he is 7 in cat years  in human years he is 44.
He has a nick name is fat cat because he is 5 kg .we got him from cat protection Society.
He has lived with us for one year. He has been in many cat fight and he has been hit by a car to. At the vet he is $1000 cat and that does not include his food.


Cookie making on Monday me and my step sister
At the start we got all ingredients out of the cupboards then we started 
by turning on the oven .The one ingredient we did not have was the condensed milk. 
We made a double batch so we used one can of condensed milk.It made four trays of cookies
and one tray had big cookie and they are good 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

My life in lockdown

Today is Day 28 in Lockdown.  I have had some interesting things happen but most of the time I have been inside.  One thing I have enjoyed is playing board games with my mother and my brother, and sometimes I even give my Gran a ring.  The best part so far has been being able to feed Maggie the cat her good food. My mum bought her some special pouches before lockdown and when she has one she jumps onto our beds and breathes on us.  It is really stinky and smells like dead fish.  I don't really like doing the school work because the system is super confusing.  It would be easier if we could go to school.  I feel sad that I can't talk to my friends or do anything fun with them. I'm also sad that I was starting hockey practice, but it has stopped because of coronavirus.  I switch between my mum and dad's house and get to see both my parents.  Apart from that lockdown has been good.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

my cat


She is so nice she will not bite you. She is super soft and she has a loud meow. She is 15 years old in human years.  I googled cat ages and that makes her 76 in cat years.

Maggie was rehomed by a cat breeder and my mum got her in 2008.  She is a house cat whether we are in lockdown or not.  She does not go outside much and she sleeps all day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Camping in the garden

Me and my mum and my brother Angus slept in a tent at our house on Monday night.

Mum and I set up the tent during the day.  Later at night we put the gear in then we locked up all the windows and the door. Then we went in the tent and talked for a while then went to sleep.  I woke up at 6.54am.  The tent was moist from dew in the morning.

When Angus woke up at 7.15am we went in the house and turned on the heat pump and had porridge for breakfast.

Friday, April 17, 2020

My cheesecake

My cheesecake 

There was a choice between triple chocolate muffin and double chocolate cookie  
or a cheesecake but it was the cheesecake that I made with my step mum. 
It went in the oven for one hour and then we put it in the fridge.
then after dinner we had the cheesecake.It was a bit gooey.
That is what is left of the cheesecake.everyone like the cheesecake.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

penguin facts

The penguin 

Facts  Penguins are flightless birds but they have flipper so they can swim

They have thick feathers so when they get out of the water that dry of quick  
They are mammals and they sit on their eggs. And they are really fast at swimming 
.They are birds .the epra penguin Reaching as tall as 120 cm (47 in) in height

Family Most penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere Large penguin populations can be found in countries as New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentina and South Africa and they do not live by fresh water 

Foods that eat most fish that they can find like small  shrimplike  squid and krill

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

1 mintute micowave cookie

last week me and my mum made 1 minute microwave cookie

the video has the recipe
I think that it is an easy thing to make and that you can do it without butter. You just have to have magren and then just malt it in the microwave. I think it is better to put it in for two minute if you don't have butter .

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


week 7 maths

i got 94 out of 100

and for time i got 4.30 min out of 10.min

but what was hard was the 7 times 7

i have improved so much from week 1 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

looking after computer

it is good to always be in the right place, at the right time when I am online. If some thing pop up I will ask my teacher or parent to help


This is my maths. We did a  tines tables at maths  it was a 100 questions i got 90. Next time i what to learn to do my 9 times tables .

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

what i have learnt

i have learnt  the face of numbers
in swimming i have learnt how to dive
i have learnt what syllables
and how to make a stop moition 


at maths we did a times table sheet

i manged to get 54 % correct i was only all most was do
i need to improve on me speed .my goal  is to be able to complete  the sheet in 10 min .
my target is to get all my 9 times tabel

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

my spelling

my spelling is ok but i no am improving .but we are doing spelling  every morning  of the week .
it has bean hard for me to remember words .im trying me hardest.and i have learnt what a constitution is .

Monday, February 10, 2020

Week one in Tangaroa

Hi my name is Robbie I am now year 7. It has been the best class I have from year one two year 7. We have had only one week. So far my favourite so far  is swimming so far we have had diving lessons and  a bit of free time too.

i enjoy the reading  for 20 minutes. I have not made new friends  yet but i still have my old friends from last year . I have improved on my hand writing . Maths has been hard for me but it is fun because it is a calling .