
Tuesday, April 28, 2020



he is the cat at my dads he is 7 in cat years  in human years he is 44.
He has a nick name is fat cat because he is 5 kg .we got him from cat protection Society.
He has lived with us for one year. He has been in many cat fight and he has been hit by a car to. At the vet he is $1000 cat and that does not include his food.


Cookie making on Monday me and my step sister
At the start we got all ingredients out of the cupboards then we started 
by turning on the oven .The one ingredient we did not have was the condensed milk. 
We made a double batch so we used one can of condensed milk.It made four trays of cookies
and one tray had big cookie and they are good 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

My life in lockdown

Today is Day 28 in Lockdown.  I have had some interesting things happen but most of the time I have been inside.  One thing I have enjoyed is playing board games with my mother and my brother, and sometimes I even give my Gran a ring.  The best part so far has been being able to feed Maggie the cat her good food. My mum bought her some special pouches before lockdown and when she has one she jumps onto our beds and breathes on us.  It is really stinky and smells like dead fish.  I don't really like doing the school work because the system is super confusing.  It would be easier if we could go to school.  I feel sad that I can't talk to my friends or do anything fun with them. I'm also sad that I was starting hockey practice, but it has stopped because of coronavirus.  I switch between my mum and dad's house and get to see both my parents.  Apart from that lockdown has been good.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

my cat


She is so nice she will not bite you. She is super soft and she has a loud meow. She is 15 years old in human years.  I googled cat ages and that makes her 76 in cat years.

Maggie was rehomed by a cat breeder and my mum got her in 2008.  She is a house cat whether we are in lockdown or not.  She does not go outside much and she sleeps all day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Camping in the garden

Me and my mum and my brother Angus slept in a tent at our house on Monday night.

Mum and I set up the tent during the day.  Later at night we put the gear in then we locked up all the windows and the door. Then we went in the tent and talked for a while then went to sleep.  I woke up at 6.54am.  The tent was moist from dew in the morning.

When Angus woke up at 7.15am we went in the house and turned on the heat pump and had porridge for breakfast.

Friday, April 17, 2020

My cheesecake

My cheesecake 

There was a choice between triple chocolate muffin and double chocolate cookie  
or a cheesecake but it was the cheesecake that I made with my step mum. 
It went in the oven for one hour and then we put it in the fridge.
then after dinner we had the cheesecake.It was a bit gooey.
That is what is left of the cheesecake.everyone like the cheesecake.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

penguin facts

The penguin 

Facts  Penguins are flightless birds but they have flipper so they can swim

They have thick feathers so when they get out of the water that dry of quick  
They are mammals and they sit on their eggs. And they are really fast at swimming 
.They are birds .the epra penguin Reaching as tall as 120 cm (47 in) in height

Family Most penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere Large penguin populations can be found in countries as New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentina and South Africa and they do not live by fresh water 

Foods that eat most fish that they can find like small  shrimplike  squid and krill

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

1 mintute micowave cookie

last week me and my mum made 1 minute microwave cookie

the video has the recipe
I think that it is an easy thing to make and that you can do it without butter. You just have to have magren and then just malt it in the microwave. I think it is better to put it in for two minute if you don't have butter .